Azure templates update
Since we’re using ARM style provisioning and Sitecore deployments for a while now at Colours, it’s time for an update. First of all, because there were some changes per Sitecore 8.2 Update 3, and secondly, because we have improved our scripts and want to share a few learnings. Check out the new scripts and templates …
Revealing Robbie at SUGCON Europe 2017
Today, Bas Lijten and I have revealed our newly and secretly built project at SUGCON Europe 2017 ! Something that never has been done before: a real robot that moves, interacts, communicates and executes tasks, fully driven by Sitecore XP, using additional techniques like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Face Recognition and Emotion Detection. It is a robot …
Blue Green Sitecore Deployments on Azure
In my blog post and talks early december, I gave an extensive introduction on deploying and hosting your Sitecore solution on Azure Web Apps; right after the release of Sitecore 8.2 Update 1, which was the first Sitecore version to support Web Apps. Since then, a lot happened. Not only Sitecore released both Update 2 and …
Sitecore Cloud MVP 2017!
For the second year in a row, I am happy to announce that I have been awarded the Sitecore MVP Cloud award 2017! Yes, that’s right, Cloud! Being one of only 10 Cloud experts worldwide to be named a Sitecore MVP this year, among over 10,000 certified developers in Sitecore’s network globally, is very exciting. As a Technology MVP …
The Staging slot EventQueue issue
Say what? Having the possibility of using staging slots when moving from on premises to the Cloud was one of the most promising and convenient improvements that could enhance the stability and uptime of our applications. Very exciting! But soon we ran into an issue, both with Cloud Services as with Web Apps: Where we could replicate …
Saving costs by scaling down
Most of us who already experimented with Sitecore 8.2 Update 1 running on Web Apps have noticed that the default provisioning consumes quite some Azure credits. A bit too much maybe, at least for Research & Development purposes. So, to save some costs, I started looking into downscaling options. Of course, you can simply provision a CM-only …
Sitecore 8.2-1 on Azure Web Apps
Following my blog post on Azure right after the Sitecore Symposium, I now finally can share the actual provisioning of a Sitecore deployment running on Azure Web Apps! Earlier this week, Sitecore released its new version 8.2 Update 1, which contains a lot of fresh Sitecore & Azure goodness (maybe even more than the Initial …
New module: Sitecore Shrink
I have just released the first version of my new Sitecore module! Shrink is a Sitecore utility module that gives you insight in the usage of your media library. Pretty much like a disk usage statistics viewer for your hard drives. get insight in the usage of your media library items But next to that, it …
Isolated feature testing in a Sitecore Docker Container
Earlier this year, I spoke about running Sitecore in a Docker Container for testing purposes on a Sitecore User Group meeting in the Netherlands, together with my colleagues Raymond Clemens and Roel Snetselaar. We formed a team at the Colours Hackathon 2016, spending almost 24 hours figuring out Docker and building out our very cool …
Sitecore MVP Summit & Symposium 2016
One week after the Symposium, overcoming my jetlag, catching up a-lot-a-work, blogging about the cool new Azure Apps stuff and celebrating the weekend with a nice brew, it’s time to look back at both the Sitecore MVP Summit & the Sitecore Symposium 2016 edition! Let’s start with the location: New Orleans. Good choice there Sitecore! My first …